the last 20 years ERETZ has published many unique nature articles many of them
are the definitive article on the subject. In this PDF file we have selected 8
different nature articles giving a wide non-text book view of nature in the Land
of Israel.
Desert-Compatible, by Bill Clark
Israel's foremost nature conservationist discuss the attempts to reintroduce the
white Oryx - the "unicorn" of biblical fame, back into the deserts of Israel and
to preserve this magnificent animal for future generations.
Ripe of the Picking, by
Ya'acov Shkolnik
Figs, raspberries and sabras are the sweet fruits of the Israeli summer. Ya'acov
Shkolnik sets out in their footsteps highlighting picking sites, serving
suggestions and discussing the reference to these plants in history. Was the
burning bush actually a raspberry bush?
Cat of the Pharaohs, by Uzi
the mongoose is an animal that is amazingly adaptable. It is both herbivorous
and carnivorous. and can ran about on land, climb and swim. Chicken breeders
detest it, even though all they need to do is lock up the coop.
Two in Blue, by Ronen
The roller is a colorful bird that nests in Israel in summer - and a subject
long pursued by nature photographer Ronen Vaturi. He was determined to
photograph a pair of rollers standing side by side, and in the summer of 2003,
he finally accomplished his mission.
Illegal Immigrants, Bill
Illegal immigrants are crossing Israel's shores, and the Interpol is on their
trail. But these aren't your typical garden variety imports. Zoologist Bill
Clark takes a look at the new craze: smuggling exotic and often endangered
animals into Israel
The Boars Next Door, Dror
Wild boars have bridged the gap between their natural homes and the yards of
Haifa residents. Dror Hawlena tries to understand why.
Running with the Pack,
Ya'acov Shkolnik
Ya'akov Shkolnik forgoes sleep for two nights to track wolves in the Arava. Her
reports on their unusual mode of coexistence with the farmers of the Negev.
Nature's Temple, Beth Uval
The physical beauty of the Temple was rooted in nature - from the cedars of
Lebanon, used to built its walls, to the olive oil, pressed for its purity.
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