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ERETZ Magazine -
Selected Articles |

James Barclay:
Adventurer, Missionary or Madman |
James Turner Barclay,
who discovered Barclay’s Gate and Zedekiah’s Cave while serving as the
first missionary to the Holy Land of the Disciples of Christ, was a man
of many talents who dabbled in numerous fields. The first part of the
new ERETZ series on Americans in the Holy Land.
Mordechai's Famous Song |
The most famous Hannuka song probably is the
poem sung immediately after the lighting of the candles: Maoz Tzur.
Most scholars accept the theory that its author is Rabbi Mordechai Ben
Hillel of thirteenth century Nuremberg and that his writing was
influenced by the persecution of Jews during the Crusades. |
ERETZ 106,
December 2006 |
Jerusalem’s Glory Days |
The famous model at the Holyland Hotel depicts Jerusalem in the Second
Temple period, one of the most fascinating and vibrant chapters in the
city’s history. The model has found a new home at the Israel Museum,
right next to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written in the same
period. |
Miriam Simon, ERETZ 105,
September-October 2006 |
Redefining Zoos
A zoo is much more than a place of
entertainment – that is, if the Israeli Zoo Association has anything to
do with it.
Heidi J. Gleit, ERETZ 105,
September-October 2006 |
Oasis in the City |
The Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan (Safari) has recreated an
African savannah in the most densely populated part of Israel.
Heidi J. Gleit, ERETZ 105,
September-October 2006 |
The Brilliance of Mt. Meron |
Countless holy people have found shelter in
the hills of Mt. Meron. The graves of the righteous dot the refreshing
green landscape. A route for experienced hikers leads from the grave of
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai to the Elkosh Bridge by Hurfeish. |
Ya'acov Shkolnik, ERETZ 105,
September-October 2006 |
Summer with the Kids |
OK, so you want to spend quality time with
the kids this summer. Whether you live in Israel or are coming for a
visit with the family, summer with the kids in Israel involves lots of
swimming, outings, and festivals.
The ERETZ staff
has collected a few suggestions for fun things to do with the kids in
Israel this summer. |
Yael Kalev and Yadin Roman, ERETZ 104, June-July 2006 |
High Achievers |
Immigrants from Ethiopia, like Yarden Fanta
Vagenshtein, Baruch Dagan, and Abaynesh Tessema, have overcome
tremendous obstacles to successfully integrate into Israeli society. The
Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and the Jewish Agency for Israel
launched a campaign to make the public aware of the Israeli-Ethiopian
community’s ability and desire to contribute to building Israel into a
flourishing, modern state.
Heidi J. Gleit, ERETZ 103, April-May 2006 |
The Third Ear |
The Third Ear provides Israelis with a
place to hear and see the many different genres of music and film that
aren’t found in mainstream culture.
Heidi J. Gleit, ERETZ 103, April-May 2006 |
The Scenic View from Nofit |
on the western edge of the Lower Galilee, on top of a hill that rises to
some 150 meters above sea level, the community of Nofit has a marvelous
view of the riverbed of Nahal Tzipori, the Galilee, and the Acre Valley
to the south. A few Nofit residents recently rolled up their sleeves and
turned the service path that encircles the community into a hiking
ERETZ Staff, ERETZ 103, April-May 2006 |
Ancient Influences |
While in Egypt, the Israelites picked up
a few practices from their neighbors. A tour of the Egyptian
galleries at the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem reveals that some
Jewish traditions actually have their roots in ancient Egypt. |
Heidi J. Gleit, ERETZ 103, April-May 2006 |
The Evangelical Triangle |
Though Christianity developed along the
shores of the Sea of Galilee, this area has not attracted nearly as
many Christian pilgrims as one would expect for a variety of
reasons. This may change soon thanks to the plans to create a
Christian heritage park that will help the public understand what
was happening in the Galilee in the first century. |
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 103, April-May 2006 |
Special Supplement: How to Have an Israeli Bar and Bat
Mitzvah |
ERETZ presents a special supplement with
tips on how and where to plan a meaningful bar or bat mitzvah, along
with some intriguing background information and recommendations. |
Heidi J. Gleit, ERETZ 102, January-February 2006 |
Secondhand Tel Aviv |
Tel Aviv is a dynamic mix of old and
new. One of the places this is most evident is in its many
secondhand shops, where the young and trendy search for treasures
from the past. |
Maya Roman, ERETZ 102, January-February 2006 |
Bar Mitzvah on the Golan Heights |
Keshet Yonatan
offers a full-day program for families that would like to celebrate
a bar or bat mitzvah in the Golan Heights. The program culminates
with an authentic and kosher Talmudic banquet in the ancient village
of Katzrin. |
ERETZ Staff, ERETZ 102, January-February 2006 |
The Best Bar or Bat Mitzvah Ceremony and Celebration
Options |
From a traditional ceremony at an
archaeological site to a unique experience in the heart of nature,
Israel offers plenty of options for an unforgettable bar or bat
mitzvah. The ERETZ Staff has scouted out a number of them. |
ERETZ Staff, ERETZ 102, January-February 2006 |
The Wandering Market of Ramle |
In Umayyad times, Ramle was built to be
the capital of Palestine. The edifices that adorned it can still be
seen today – and there are two fun markets to browse in. |
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 101, November-December 2005 |
Getting Past the Black Holes of Memory |
The most prominent force in the founding
of Budapest was the Jews who lived there. They helped create the
intellectual, economic, and cultural energy behind what was once one
of the most vibrant cities of Europe. This, of course, did not
prevent Hungarian collaboration with the Nazis in carting off the
Jewish population to the death camps - even as the Red Army stood at
the doors of Budapest. A Jewish story. |
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 101, November-December 2005 |
Susita Gallops
into Sight |
Perched on a mountaintop, Susita-Hippos,
the city called horse, has been referred to as the most impressive
classical city in the Eastern Mediterranean. Yadin Roman explored
the city with Professor Arthur Segal and wondered if Hippos is the
"city on a hill that cannot be hidden" mentioned in the Sermon on
the Mount. |
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 100, September-October 2005 |
The What and Where of the Gaza
Strip |
History of Jewish settlement in the Gaza
Strip - accompanied by a history of each
of the 21 Israeli settlements in the Strip about to be evacuated,
and a large scale detailed map.
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 99, July-August 2005 |
Tel Shimron |
Question: What is the connection between Tel Shimron, Britain,
Holland, and outer space? Answer: Orde Wingate, Moshe Dayan, and
Ilan Ramon.
Yossi Buchman, ERETZ 97, February-March 2005 |
Operation Abraham |
An exclusive report on a delicate mission: the replacement of the
fabric covering over Abraham's tombstone, in the Machpela Cave.
Ya'acov Shkolnik, ERETZ 97, February-March 2005 |
The Camel and the Hanukka Lamp |
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 96,
November-December 2004 |
The Language of Light |
Light (or) seems to penetrate
every corner of the Hebrew language, showing up in phrases that
describe both the spiritual (or ganuz) and the mundane (motzi
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 96, November-December 2004 |
Let There be Light |
did Hanukka become one of the most beloved Jewish holidays? How do
you light a Hanukka lamp? And what happens when a camel accidentally
knocks over a Hanukka lamp? ERETZ Magazine sheds light on the
obscure roots of modern holiday traditions.
In ancient times, candles and oil lamps weren't used just for
decoration or to make the room smell better. For thousands of years, oil lamps
were the main source of light throughout the Land of Israel. Oil lamps' forms
and decoration reflect the customs and aspirations of the diverse societies
dwelling in the Land of Israel.
ERETZ Staff, ERETZ 96,
November-December 2004
The Third Line of
Defense |
Hidden passageways like those common in the Judean
lowlands are slowly being discovered in the Galilee. Some may have been
part of the preparations for the Great Revolt of the Jews against the Romans.
Yinon Shivtiel, ERETZ 93, April-May 2004 |
Not Quite Zurich |
Sakhnin is a city in a
setting that looks like Switzerland, but is a far cry from any scenic city on can
imagine. In some ways, though, the people of this Israeli-Arab town are beginning
to regain their home court advantage.
Galit Hoffman, ERETZ 93, April-May 2004 |
Seder for a New Social
Order |
The Passover Seder became the main
celebration of the new society forged by the founders of kibbutzim in the Land of Israel - but with various modifications, including new versions of the Haggadah.
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 93, April-May 2004 |
The Forgotten Jews of Cyprus |
Boarding the flight to Ercan, in the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus, is not easy. It leaves Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion
Airport from “Terminal 2” – which is actually the revamped
domestic flight terminal. The terminal’s entrance doors are locked, and once you find your way in and complete the check-in process, a bus escorts you back to
the main terminal.
Yadin Roman, ERETZ 77, July-August 2001 |
ERETZ Magazine,
Maavar Yabok 5, Tel Aviv 67440 ISRAEL. Tel. +972 3 6912211 |