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ERETZ SURVEY - July 23, 2006


Readers' Respond

The ERETZ staff is grateful for the positive and supportive responses we have received from our readers around the world to the letter from ERETZ Editor in Chief Yadin Roman.

Thank you for existing. We are with you, we stand beside you. We will be spending four weeks in Israel next month, a whole family, for the love of Israel ... and ERETZ Magazine. Thank you again!
Pierre Soko

I want you to know that you are all in my prayers - constantly. I've been to Israel three times in the past four years and am planning to go with some friends again this November. We all wish there was something "concrete" we could do - but I've learned in the past few years that prayer is stronger and more helpful than many of the "concrete" things we can do.
Please know that there are many people in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota who care deeply about you and lift you all up in prayer.
Penny Newstrom

Thank you for your thoughtful letter. Actually, we should have written to you first. We sit here, but our thoughts are there. I was one who was in favor of ridding ourselves of Gaza and letting them have their own country. But now we must honestly ask ourselves what is stopping them from doing the same thing as now from Lebanon. Can we trust them or anyone other than ourselves? Even now, are we only buying a few more years of quiet if we can not be sure they are gone? Are we to waiting until we are hit first from Syria, Iran, etc." There are many questions needing answers. Again, thanks.
Naftali Blinder

Thank you so much for your great magazine. It is the best!
I too will stand with all of Israel.
My thoughts and prayers are for you all.
Indeed your friend,
Joyce Cotterman
Apopka, Florida

Your comments are MOST appropriate and timely. Keep up the great work.
Mark Zober

Israel is on our minds and in our hearts 24/7.  It may encourage you to know that many of my non-Jewish colleagues and friends in Ottawa, Ontario, and Toronto, Ontario, Canada, are expressing their concern about this dangerous situation and fully appreciate and support Israel's need to defend itself against an enemy that refuses to accept the reality of the Jewish State.  God bless you and keep you strong. We are confident you will prevail.  Thank you and thank you!
 Thelma Davidson
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Thank you for our letter - we are with you.
Last March we were in the Galilee driving in all the areas that are being targeted. You gave us a tour to do - Dalton Winery, Ramot Naftali, and other areas. It was wonderful. As we drove near the Lebanese border, we did not have any fears.
And I won't forget the anti-missile battery at the top of Mt. Meron as I took your suggested hike around the summit.
Israel is fighting to maintain the safety and security of its people.
Thanks for the letter - we plan to return in February.
The Jerusalem issue is great and I have already ordered two extra copies as gifts.
Sheldon and Penny Bernick

The dignity and courage of Israelis at this time should be an example to all of us. I forwarded your letter to a number of friends and colleagues. I hope and pray that a secure peace can be achieved soon for Israel and that the IDF will succeed in its objectives.
Sarah M. Barnard
Cincinnati, Ohio

Kol Hakavod - I will pass this on to as many people as I can.
I have always been an avid reader and supporter of ERETZ and your other publications and will continue to be so.
You have a quality journal - as a fellow journalist I well appreciate getting value for my money.
Lydia Aisenberg
Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek

We are with you 100%.
Simon Barnard

Kol Hakavod!
Sally Reidman

Well done Yadin.
From strength to strength.
This too we shall overcome.
Paul Leinburd

Thank you for your message - one of many I have received from friends in Israel over the last 24 hours, which serve to concentrate the mind and heart in a most powerful way. So be assured that I am with you, hoping and praying that a truly just peace may come out of this calamity, and that the words "just" and "peace" may mean the same things to all sides, which they clearly do not at the moment.
And I applaud your resolve that it is "business as usual!"
John Wilson Smith


Borders and Frontiers

Disturbing Facts

War on the Lebanese Border

Changing the Rules

The Shiite-Sunni Genii

Hizbullah - In Proportion


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